The middle of February for all lovers is marked by the most romantic holiday, comparable in importance to the wedding anniversary or the date of the beginning of the relationship. Valentine’s Day has long become a worldwide holiday, becoming a date especially expected by girls and women. This is simply explained: the main attribute of congratulations to beloved ones is fresh flowers, which are especially pleasant to receive in cold winter. Bouquets for February 14 are distinguished by their delicate design, to which florists pay close attention.

Valentine's Day Bouquet

The choice of the composition depends on what exactly the donor wants to express with the gift. In order not to be mistaken with a bouquet, you can turn to the language of flowers: the symbolic meaning assigned to each plant will help to compose the correct floristic message. However, many men prefer not to delve into floral symbolism, preferring instead to color symbolism. The palette of the bouquet really matters: it is believed that the deeper the color of the buds in the composition, the more serious feelings the giver experiences. For this reason, many bouquets for Valentine’s Day are decorated in the traditional color that symbolizes love and passion – red. Scarlet tones are present both in the compositions themselves (in this case, they are set off by plants of calmer colors, and in the decor: red satin ribbons, wrapping paper, hat boxes, branches of berries in bouquets place the necessary accents, not allowing you to forget about the sensuality of the holiday.

Romantic Bouquet

A romantic bouquet of flowers on February 14 does not have to consist of red, pink or white flowers: plants of soft cream, beige, lilac and blue shades, as well as fresh greens, blues and yellows, are used to compose congratulatory compositions.

What flowers are given for Valentine's Day?

The rose is considered a symbol of love even by those who are not familiar with the language of flowers. This explains the high popularity of all varieties of this plant on Valentine’s Day: almost all prefabricated compositions dedicated to Valentine’s Day contain roses. It is customary to give these flowers in mono-bouquets: armfuls of several dozen or even hundreds of Dutch roses, lush bouquets of Piano roses, delicate rosebuds of the varieties Menta, Mondial, Memori and Ascot are in high demand in mid-February. Tulips become an alternative to roses on a holiday of love. These flowers are good both in compositions and in mono bouquets: pink, purple, scarlet, white and yellow tulips go well with other plants and look self-sufficient, even if you decorate them with a modest satin ribbon. It is not so important what flowers are presented to other women on February 14 – it is much more important what your beloved woman prefers. If the tastes of the chosen one are unknown to the donor, florists recommend staying on modest gentle compositions in restrained colors. A romantic gift will be flowers in a hat box: classic round, square or oval. For Valentine’s Day, flower artisans also create heart-shaped compositions.

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