Choosing a bouquet for a girl is almost always a puzzle. Of course, the best solution is to give the flowers that she likes the most. But not everyone knows which flowers she considers her favorite even herself. If you are familiar with this problem, florists recommends turning to the most popular colors that remain relevant in any season.

The following varieties are considered, the most beautiful flowers among roses:

• White O’Hara;

• David Austin (Juliet);

• Piano;

• Tiffany;

• Pink Mondial;

Original price was: $165.00.Current price is: $120.00.

Roses colors usually suggest in what situations it would be appropriate to give them: red, symbolizing passion, are given to loved ones; pink as a romantic symbol is suitable for dates and congratulations for young girls; white, meaning purity of intentions and nobility, are presented to relatives, and also used in wedding bouquets.

The most beautiful types of flowers

Besides roses, seasonal and exotic plants are in great demand. A flower does not have to be expensive and sophisticated to please a girl: for example, armfuls of bright field inflorescences look spectacular both live and in the photo. And an experienced florist will create a beautiful composition even from seemingly simple buds.


These spring flowers are the second most popular in the market. Despite the seasonality, tulips remain relevant at any time of the year. Their strict buds are appropriate both in prefabricated compositions and in mono-bouquets, and a minimum of decor is used in the design of the latter: wrapping paper, wavy ribbon, or kraft envelope. Tulips are the best flowers for girls, suitable for a first date, the anniversary of the beginning of a relationship or wedding, for Valentine’s Day, March 8, and Birthday. The more the flowers are intended for a young girl, the more closed tulip buds are better to choose.


Lush peonies with their luxury and aroma will delight a woman at any age. The most popular flower bouquets consist of peonies or compositions with them not only in late spring and early summer: this plant is included in autumn and winter flower gifts. Closed peonies are given to young girls and women, and fully blossoming buds are added to compositions intended for aged people.


When we think of these flowers, the imagination immediately draws an English garden with tall bushes decorated with caps of hydrangeas washed with dew. The variety of colors delights: from snow-white to maroon, from sky blue to ashy. Hydrangea blooms peak in August and early September. It is then that their hats reach their maximum size (sometimes up to 30 centimeters in diameter), then flowering begins to decline, but in the fall, delicate colors are replaced by bright, saturated: dark purple, gray-green, wine, ash-blue colors. It is customary to give hydrangea to significant events as part of both exclusive bouquets and as a lovely floral compliment – for no reason.

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